We Respect & Protect Your Anonymity
We Respect & Protect Your Anonymity
By sending an email to us, you are giving us permission to respond back to you at this email address. Please let us know if you prefer to receive a response at a different email address.
Want us to call you? Make sure to include your phone number in your initial email. We will contact you at this phone number and leave a voicemail message if there is no answer. If you prefer that we not leave a voicemail message at this phone number, please state this in your initial email.
Please allow 48 hours for a response.
Other Contact Information
Other Contact Information
District 16 Al-Anon: alanondistrict16@gmail.com
Michigan Al-Anon Family Groups: miafg.org
Al-Anon World Service Office: al-anon.org
Lansing Central AA: aalansingmi.org