Alateen Is Here To Help

Alateen is a place where younger members come together to share experiences and support each each other in finding healthy ways to cope with someone else's drinking. 

Take this QUIZ to see if Alateen is right for you.

An Alateen meeting is now available in the Lansing area!  Click Local Meeting List for day, time, and location.  

Teens are welcome to attend an Al-Anon meeting when no Alateen meetings are available. 

Teens between 13-18 years old can register to attend Alateen Chat Electronic Meetings

For more information about Alateen in Central Michigan, please send an email to  

"Depression took over my life for so long - too long.  I never wanted to do anything, just be in my room and lay down - even if I wasn't tired.  I just wanted to be isolated from everyone and everything.  Being alone in my room was my safe zone.  I am still working on my depression, but after being in Alateen for a few years, I feel a lot better."  


"When I went to Alateen the first time, I was anxious and afraid.  What if I say the wrong thing?  What if they don't like me? What if they think I have it easy? What if I freeze up while talking?  When I walked in, though, I was greeted with wide open arms by caring people.  By my third meeting it felt like I had found a second family.  I had a place I felt welcome and truly heard for the first time."  


"Together We Can Make It!"

"It was in Alateen, sitting in that circle, that I learned that the only person I could control was myself and the way I handled everything going on around me. Learning to accept that I couldn't control my dad's drinking was something that lifted an incredible weight off my shoulders."